Friday, May 6, 2011

She Said "Yes"!

As Bonnie and I (Jujie) sat on our porch tanning in 60 degree weather (yes we realize this is not quite normal) our dad was telling us about all of the tadpoles that are currently living in our pool cover. Apparently the frogs I heard when I couldn't sleep a few weeks ago made some babies, and now there are thousands of baby tadpoles swimming happily in the nasty water. Naturally, being a girl, I obviously wanted to save some. Duh. Bonnie was watching America's Next Top model and not really paying attention to me as I was going on and on about wanting a tadpole. So I turned to her as said, "Would you like to raise a tadpole with me?" And she said, "Yes!"
And so begins our summer.
(Pics of tadpole rescue will be updated soon!)

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